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Round Table Proposal


The proposals for Round Tables composed of the mediator and at least 03 doctors and a maximum of 04 will be analyzed by the Scientific Committee. Everyone must be contacted in advance by the proposer. The members of the table must be from different institutions and states.

ATTENTION: For proposals that have at least one proponent who needs to use a bank account abroad to make payment, click here .

Submit the proposal in the following format:

  • General table title

  • Name of the panel members (with indication of who will be the moderator), institutional affiliation and email address.

  • Summary containing objectives and justification of the table. The summary must be 500 to 2,000 characters with space, "Times New Roman" font, size 12, Justified and 1.5 spacing.

  • Summaries of panel members' communications, between 15 and 20 lines, 1.5 spacing, "Times New Roman" font, size 12, justified;

  • Format: Doc or docx file;

  • MR proponents must pay the registration fee. Payment is per proposer and not per proposal. Proponents may submit a communication to the ST without paying any additional fees. Attention: If there are only three proponents , choose the payment option Proposição MR: 03 Proponentes; If there are four bidders , choose the payment option payment option Proposição MR: 04 Proponentes.

  • Under no circumstances will the registration fee be refunded. If the proposal is rejected by the Scientific Committee, the members of the Round Table will be able to use the amount paid upon registration to present a communication in ST.

Formulário de Submissão
Selecione um item (R$)
Resumo da Mesa redonda
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